
In order for Deafscope Link to carry out vital work, it requires YOUR support. Whilst we carry out fundraising projects (such as the tandem bike challenge and the upcoming Skydiving project), that you may take part in, we also accept donations. Your donations are invaluable to the organisation and are much appreciated. It is important for the community to unite and support each other. With your support we can continue our work in supporting the Deaf and Deaf Usher community.

Coming Soon

Currently the donation link is undergoing maintenance.

The donation link will be going live shortly so please keep your eyes peeled…

Why Deafscope?

We are Deaf led and we fully understand the barriers that the Deaf community face on a daily basis. Which is why we are very passionate about empowering and enhancing the lives of Deaf people. 

Your support is our strength

The Covid -19 lockdowns have been tough on the mind and body, especially for the Deaf and Deaf Usher community. With feelings of isolation increasing since March 2020.  It is time to get together and support each other and reach out to our community.

Deafscope Link